Posted by wunnuy on 02/14/06 20:53
Bob wrote:
> On 14 Feb 2006 07:53:45 -0800, "wunnuy" <wunnuy@netzero.net> wrote:
> Yes I was saddened when Enron collapsed.
> I live in Houston and the effect of the collapse was to flood the
> market with IT personnel. It was bad enough when HP bought Compaq (a
> Houston company) and flooded the market with IT personnel a year
> earlier. Couple all that with the bust of the dot.com's and you have a
> class-A fubar on your hands.
Well, I'm sure you're pulling for your two idols in their court battle
right now. I, and every other American, hopes they go down and spend a
good long time in prison. It would be sad for you if they did, though,
right? Do you have a poster of Lay on your bedroom wall?
I can see your compansion for all the people who were screwed as a
result of Enron and Andersen's shadiness. It's all about you, not the
people who were really hurt. Says a lot about you.
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