Posted by wunnuy on 02/16/06 15:13
Bob wrote:
> On 15 Feb 2006 13:18:20 -0800, "wunnuy" <wunnuy@netzero.net> wrote:
> >but you're a racist on top.
> You lose two points for that.
Lose points with whom? You, a racist? Was your comment a compliment?
You're a racist without question. If it's you I"m losing points with,
please take off a few more thousand. The last person I want any
"points" with is a redneck racist like yourself.
> One point for introducing an absurdity. I am not racist.
> One point for introducing a strawman.
> >
> If you ever invested in the market, you would know to put a stop in to
> prevent losses. Enron hit a high well before the scandal broke, and it
> started falling thereafter. If investors had put an 80% stop in the
> market, they would have walked off with a fortune.
You don't know diddly about the stock market or the Enron scandal
apparently. But I guess it's your racist brain that gets in the way.
When you're a racist, like you are, who blames everyone in the world
but himself for the reason why he can't get a job, you don't have a
rational thought process. Yes, Bob, tell everyone how stupid they are,
ya racist.
> But you do not understand any of this because you are not smart enough
> to invest in the market the way the professionals do. Visit a
> professional broker at one of the big brokerage houses, and discover
> that he will tell you always put a stop in the market to protect your
> gains.
Um, visit your church and pray for forgiveness or read up a little on
racism, racist. And I'd suggest reading up on stocks too, but since you
can't get a job, what money would you use? Have you considered temping
or possibly the fast food industry?
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