Posted by Jeff Rife on 02/16/06 20:48
frogger90 (jscott270@hotmail.com) wrote in alt.video.dvd:
> Actually netflix customer support admitted to me that they do throttle
> users.
No, they just admit that they give priority to certain people that aren't
you, and you don't like that. Want some cheese with that whine?
|> In determining priority for shipping and inventory allocation, we give priority
|> to those members who receive the fewest DVDs through our service. As a result,
|> those members who receive the most movies may experience that (i) the shipment
|> of their next available DVDs occurs at least one business day following return
|> of their previously viewed movie, (ii) delivery takes longer, as the shipments
|> may not be processed from their local distribution center and (iii) they receive
|> movies lower in their Queue more often than our other members. By prioritizing
|> in this way, we help assure a balanced experience for all our members. Those
|> that rent a lot of movies get a great value and those with lighter viewing
|> habits are able to count on our service to meet their limited needs.
In other words, this says that when it comes time to ship out movies,
they have a fixed number of man-hours to do it in, and put movie requests
by people who have rented the fewest number of movies at the front of
the line.
This may result in you getting less movies, but it's not "throttling" any
more than giving priority to somebody who had a movie in their queue for
a very long time would be. Sure, *you* may not get as many movies or
the movie you really wanted, but you aren't being singled out to not get
them. Other people just get priority.
They *have* to have some sort of priority system, and they have decided
that simple "FIFO" isn't the one they are going to use. There are many
things that might be considered:
- Is the movie at the top of your queue in stock?
- Is it in stock at this location?
- Is the first movie in your queue that is in stock available at this
- Does somebody else have it higher in their queue?
- Has somebody else been waiting longer?
- If we give you two movies lower in your queue than the highest one that
is available, we can ship them both today, but your highest priority
won't ship until tomorrow...what should we do?
All of these questions will result in somebody "waiting" or getting a
movie that they don't want as much, so *somebody* will consider them
unfair and would whine about them.
The complete details of the method Netflix has chosen to determine the
exact order to send out discs is unknown, but they have said "you may
have to wait longer when you aren't the first person we service", so
either live with it or quit. Just stop whining about it.
Jeff Rife | "Tragedy struck today in Sector Nine as rebel
| terrorists blew up the Death Star, killing
| thousands. The Rebel Alliance, a fringe group
| of anti-Empire fanatics, has claimed
| responsibility for the terrorist act.
| Fortunately, Lord Vader escaped without harm.
| Our hearts go out to the families of the
| victims."
| -- "NewsRadio"
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