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MP4/MP3 formatted w/ FAT32 instead of FAT / once 2gb storage has now been reduced to 115mb...I want it back?

Posted by BSC on 02/25/06 22:57

I got this MP4 in China. It says SONY P-99....I can't find any
information on the web...probably not Sony?

Really doesn't matter because it was cheap and did have 2gb of storage.
I was attempting to save some MP3's on it (practice..trial/error) to
bring it home to my wife for a gift.

I couldn't delete all the files (clean) and decided to format. I
formatted it just like anything else and then it wouldn't let me add
new files...I then read the very broken english "directions" and it
said only use FAT...well....I had used I reformatted with
FAT....resulting in a new max storage capasity of 115mb.

It is suppose to be a cool gift....but now it's just making me
angry...although I SCREWED UP...can anyone help me regain the storage
capasity that I have lost? I would VERY much appreciate any



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