Posted by Derek Janssen on 02/28/06 18:59
wunnuy wrote:
> Derek Janssen wrote:
>>Justin wrote:
>>>Not to mention, a post about "Really, can't we just let this discussion
>>drop, we won, after all!" from a poster who, not ten minutes earlier,
>>had jumped over to the rec.movies group, hoping to find "convert"
>>anti-'Flix recruits from a poster who had simply asked why her rentals
>>were coming from Hawaii...
> huh?
> Poor Derek. Must bug you so many people are complaining about the
> company you love so much. Hopefully Netflix will go under. Then what
> will you complain about?
....Uh, the fact that Satellite Video-on-Demand only shows crappy B-tier
action movies and dopey comedies, and then pretends they were hits? :)
Derek Janssen (which, to be fair, is some rich fodder, but the whiners
are funnier)
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