Posted by Invid Fan on 10/05/03 11:30
In article <W5g8f.26758$E17.14984@fe03.lga>, Derek Janssen
<djanss@nospam.charter.net> wrote:
> The Man With No Name wrote:
> >
> >>>After putting up with all the unecessary crap on a
> >>>dvd,spanish,french,languages,why can't the deleted scenes be placed in
> >>>the movie? Stripes did this,& it was brilliant.While I like the Blues
> >>>Brothers,their deleted scenes were slipped in,I forget where?.
> >>
> >>Often scenes are deleted for a reason, and the movie works best without
> >>them.
> >
> > Depends what the reason is.
> >
> > In a lot 2+ hour movies, they're deleted because the movie is already too
> > long to sit through in a theatre. But, on DVD, movies can be much longer
> > without frustrating the viewer (just look at how quickly most people get
> > through entire seasons of TV shows and miniseries on DVD.)
> While in others, entire extraneous characters are deleted completely
> from the storyline, and restoring their scenes would mean one more actor
> who'd have to be paid...
They're paid anyways if the scenes are included in the 'Extras' section
I'd assume (and they don't take salery away from actors if their scenes
are cut).
Chris Mack "Refugee, total shit. That's how I've always seen us.
'Invid Fan' Not a help, you'll admit, to agreement between us."
-'Deal/No Deal', CHESS
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