You are here: Re: Have Dubbed VHS tape to DVD, but notice the quality isn't as good as the VHS copy. The white portion of the Dubbed Copy is too bright. Can someone help? « DVD Tech « DVD MP3 AVI MP4 players codecs conversion help
Re: Have Dubbed VHS tape to DVD, but notice the quality isn't as good as the VHS copy. The white portion of the Dubbed Copy is too bright. Can someone help?

Posted by on 10/07/97 11:41

The Cyberhome DVD I bought for under $100. Probably I guess I get
what I paid for. I probably have to buy a better quality DVD burner in
the future. I want to buy a combination DVD/VHS burner so I can easily
dub the VHS copies to DVD. That's my main thinkg I want to get later
on. Since I am strapped for cash, I bought the Cyberhome 1200. I am
happy with the original recordings I made when I taped this years
Winter Olympics, but half or more of the discs I used (Verbatim discs)
didn't work. Anyway, thanks.



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