Posted by Heinrich Galland on 03/07/06 18:22
In article <mger02h77g7fddafq1gv1ovijpb3gmdbqn@4ax.com>,
<nospam@nospam.com> wrote:
> Think again. I was the one who though the same also. But after
> watching the Good Night, Good Luck DVD on Saturday night and the HD
> broadcast of Oscar on Sunday night, I saw tremendous improvement in
> picture quality on the few clips of the same movie. Skin texture is a
> lot more detail on the HD clips that you can almost see the sweat
> gland on Murrows face.
> Thats only on my low end Sony RPTV from 3 years ago, I wonder how
> much more detail the high end plasma or DLP sets will reveal. BR/HD
> DVDs will be even better than HD broadcast that I think most people
> with a HD set will jump into BR/HD camp sooner than you might think.
Well, I know I won't until there a "combo" player or until one format
is a clear winner. I'm not doing another Betamax!!
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