Posted by tailspin1 on 03/08/06 02:17
Are you talking about the child having the 'stable' upbringing? Or are you
talking about the more commonly accepted 'decent' upbringing?
You either hunt with the pack or you make your own decisions about
The thinking person would like to make their own decisions and much as I
disagree with single-sex parental guidance (on the grounds of balance -
women keep telling us men we have no idea about childbirth therefore the
woman choosing to play the male role in this equation would have to share
this patern) I defend the right of single-sex parenting where the child is
unaffected and not pre-stigamtised by such occasions.
I am not Gay but I accept the rights of Gay people to co-exist in society.
I am not a follower of Islam but I respect the right of Muslims to co-exist
in society
I am not black but I accept the right of black people to co-exist in society
When I become perfect in every way, only then will I become arrogant enough
to believe that only I could be perfect.
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