Posted by nappy on 09/27/89 11:42
Wonderful stuff.
"nappY Si" <nlei123@hotmail.com> wrote in message
> The latest reviews:
> http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/customer-reviews/B000B7TF6C/103-
> 1409665-6160619
> ABSOLUTELY USELESS!, March 13, 2006
> Reviewer: K. Hammond "software engineer"
> I purchased Pinnacle 10 Plus from MicroCenter several weeks ago.
> The software has never worked at all for me. None of the
> features I have tried to use work. Usually the program hangs or
> displays a non-descriptive error message. Now, after a hard
> drive replacement, I am completely unable to install the product
> after a week of trying. I give up! I'm going to try to get a
> refund.
> What an astounding waste of time and money! I wish I had read
> the other reviews first!
> DO NOT BUY STUDIO 10, March 12, 2006
> Reviewer: Robert Galanter "RG_Engraver"
> Do not believe any of the postiive reviews of theis product.
> They are most likely an attempt by employee's of Pinnacle to
> pursuade you that this product is good. IT IS A BAD PRODUCT.
> Highly unstable and unusable even in the new 10.5 release. Sorry
> I wasted my money on the lousy software.
> The product has great features but is full of bugs which make it
> highly unreliable. I have only used a limited number of
> features, and even those basic features that I have used are not
> stable. Sometimes the features work as they should, other times
> they create unpredictable glitches. This program is a good
> concept but is poorly executed. On top of that you need a very
> high end computer. Don't think of using this on anything but a
> new XP system with at least 1GB memory a 3GHZ processor and full
> direct X compatability on your video and audio cards. And even
> if your computer meets these requirements, the program is junk
> and is very unreliable. BUY SOMETHING ELSE!!! And another
> thing... Pinnacle will not give you a refund if you are unhappy.
> ARGH!, March 10, 2006
> Reviewer: David Wakeford (London, UK)
> I buy software regularly and rely on reading other people's
> reviews, but to date have not written one myself. I'll keep it
> short and sweet. The idea of studio 10, on paper, is great. But
> for a reason we will never know, they clearly didnt finish it.
> The result is constant, and I do mean constant, crashing. As it
> takes so so long to crash, and so so long to restart it, you
> wont be going anywhere fast. My opinion is not to buy this
> software. Oh I forgot to mention, after taking 4 weeks to finish
> a 2 week project, I discovered another massive error - for love
> nor money, let alone trying every fix under the sun, it wouldnt
> recognise my dvd writer. If someone from pinnacle is reading,
> please withdraw studio 10 from the market and the countless
> bugs. It could be excellent, but at the moment it is truely
> aweful, and I doubt I'll buy from you again any time soon.
> March 4, 2006
> Reviewer: Ed Kaz "Ed Kaz" (Shell Pile, NJ USA)
> A terrible experience. Crash crash and more crashes.
> I brought it back the next day.
> I plan to forget the whole experience.
> What a waste!
> BUGGY, BUGGY, BUGGY, March 1, 2006
> Reviewer: Megan
> The last few versions of Pinnacle have been disturbingly buggy.
> Perhaps you'll get lucky and won't have any problems, but save
> often! Pinnacle also requires you to pay extra for the extra
> media included with the product. If you want to use disc menus,
> etc, you have to go to the website and give them your credit
> card details. Ulead and Adobe give you loads more free content.
> REAL JUNK!, February 27, 2006
> Reviewer: G. Rambaldi "iapad" (Europe)
> I have installed version 10 Plus upgrade and since than I have
> never been able to use the software. It simply crashes upon
> loading. Real junk! I wish I had paid attention to the negative
> reviews done my most Pinnacle Studio Customers and avoided
> wasting my money.
> February 25, 2006
> Reviewer: J. Worley (Missouri, USA)
> I bought this app back before christmas 05 because I really
> enjoyed using Ver 9. All I really need to say is, this is the
> All time worst video editing app I have ever used. It has
> recently been brought to my attention that if you use an Athlon
> processor with an Nvidia chipset your are pretty much F*%#'ed as
> far as Pinnacle is concerned. Pinnacle refuses to answer my
> support emails for the last 5 months even though I take the time
> each and every time (and it does crash nearly every time I
> import the smallest file) it crashes my desktop.
> They recently released patch ver 10.5 and it says they have
> fixed the memory leak but its still using well over 500mb of ram
> according to taskman and over 60% of my Athlon 2300 processors
> resources just to crash. Setting the priority of the app does
> nothing and as far as I can tell Ver. 10.5 did nothing more than
> take up another 100mb of disk space. THIS APPLICATION IS
> WORTHLESS!!!! CHeck out the complaints on their consumer message
> boards.
> http://wbsearch.pinnaclesys.com/searchResults.asp?lng=1&qu=Athlo
> n+AND+@WebboardID+%3D+W1+AND+@SectionID+%3D+S273+AND+@PageID+%3D
> +Message&Keyword=Athlon&WebboardID=1&SectionID=273&ForumID=-
> 1&Days=-1&username=
> February 23, 2006
> Reviewer: Y. Kalina "fromnyc" (NYC, NY)
> While the ideas behind Studio 10.5 are great, the program
> execution leaves a lot to be desired. The program crashes for no
> apparent reason -- whether during movie review, editing or just
> a repositioning of the cursor. While, commendably, the program
> more-often-than-not remembers the last set up and position, you
> maybe repeatedly stuck at that particular point if the stars are
> not properly aligned.
> Also beware that each time the program crashes, Pinnacle wants
> you to file report; after the third time of the day dealing with
> them, the reporting screens become just one more point of
> frustration -- especially since Pinnacle does not seem to
> acknowledge or deal with the problems. If you have Studio 9,
> with its own annoying idiosyncrasies, you will avoid more
> aggravation by not upgrading to this much less than perfect
> product.
> February 23, 2006
> Reviewer: E. Mader "PinnacleVictim" (New Orleans, LA)
> Never have I encountered a mega-software that is fraught with so
> much problem leading to a gazillion complaints. My wife and I
> bought Pinnacle Studio everytime a new version was released,
> thinking the problem of frequent crashes and instability will be
> solved. Now we have 4 versions (7, 8, 9, 10) of the product. All
> are unstable and a pain to use. The latest release (version 10)
> is by far the worst. Why such a "reputable" company keeps on
> selling new versions instead of coming out with remedies or
> patches to an existing product is a big question. When will they
> stop ripping us off. PS: We selected this product based on PC
> Magazine reviews.
> February 20, 2006
> Reviewer: A. J. Young
> After hours and hours of trial and error I nuked the CD's in the
> microwave then reformated my harddrive and bought vegas video 6
> plat. The doctor says I will be fine and I no longer need
> prozac. Bottom line is do the same and move on. Pinnacle should
> be sued. This software is useless.
> Pinnacle Systems is the leader in digital video broadcast and
> production solutions.
> www.pinnaclepiss.con/
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