Posted by <normanstrong on 03/18/06 17:36
"iws" <iws51remove@cox.net> wrote in message
> "dadiOH" <dadiOH@wherever.com> wrote in message
> news:AmlSf.14712$o41.3525@trnddc06...
>> CTG wrote:
>> > So would it be fair to say if I copy a whole list of MP3 songs to a
>> > CD-R ,my CD player at home woudl play them..? or do they only play
>> > CDDA files?
>> No, you can't *copy* MP3s to a CD and expect your home player to play
>> them. As Joel told you, you have to make an *audio* CD with them.
> That's not universally the case. Many players today will play a CD that
> has
> had mp3's simply copied to it. I know because I have a couple including a
> portable that plays both standard CD's and CD's loaded up with mp3's. The
> OP
> might want to consider investing in a new player that can play mp3's on
> CD's. That way he avoids the 80 minute limitation of the standard CD.
I recently made a 2-sided DVD-RAM disc containing 430 hours of wma coded
music. It plays on my Panasonic DVD recorder. Fidelity? Good enough that
nobody has mentioned it as being any worse than the originals. Piano music
encodes even better. It the disc had been all piano, it would have held 720
Amazing what you can do these days.
Norm Strong
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