Posted by Adrian A on 03/19/06 13:41
Damon wrote:
> "Andy Upton" <andrew.upton4@ntlworld.com> wrote in
> news:ebXSf.2397$814.1882 @newsfe5-win.ntli.net:
>> All in all...smokers are selfish wankers
> There is a certain arrogance that comes with smoking anyway, how many
> times have I been walking behind someone opening a fresh packet only
> to see the plastic and the foil tossed to the wind in one well
> practice movement...pull plastic opening strip, unwrap,pop lid,pul
> foil,toss to ground. Why is it that more people aren't fined for
> dropping butts on the ground in public areas? I'd love to be able to
> give out a 50 fines I really would.
> But then mindlessness comes with the territory, you are talking about
> people who despite the overwhelming evidence of the dangers in even
> short term smoking and their own knwledge that they really shouldn't
> be doing it, still smoke. I know it's an addiction but there is
> massive support and numerous ways for people to be able to stop.
> Smoking akin to me sitting near strangers and farting for 4-5 minutes
> while they suffer or move. Difference is, my fart won't still be in
> their hair and clothes the next morning.
> Damon
I often think it would be justice, if when someone lit up next to me, I
stood up and pissed on them.
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