Posted by Technobarbarian on 03/20/06 03:02
"dadiOH" <dadiOH@wherever.com> wrote in message
> audiohead wrote:
>> dadiOH wrote:
>>> Given the decreasing interest in the sort of
>>> things it discusses, I doubt I'll ever do it.
>> That's a stretch. There is no interest period! <he..hee...laughs>
> There is still a site. More than you can say since they made you take
> yours down <snicker>
> __________________
>> When
>>> I first put it up they liked it and wanted to convert it to html on
>>> their site.
>> Grandiose wishful thinking once *again.* It's understandable
>> considering you have to overcompensate for your British heritage and
>> other feelings of inferiority.
> I have never been to Great Britain. Nor any of the UK. Are you a
> masochist? Do you actually enjoy being wrong all the time?
He must enjoy being wrong all the time, otherwise he wouldn't work so
hard at it. It looks to me like there is still a lot of interest in vinyl.
eBay is selling a lot of record players at good prices. It took me a lot of
shopping to find the quality I wanted at a price I was willing to pay. New
record players are coming off the assembly lines every day and are easy to
find in a lot of places. Just in the last year ARTcessories came out with a
very nice USB phono preamp, someone besides me is buying the things. If you
go looking around there are a lot of very expensive phono preamps being
hooked up to computers. There are also a lot of businesses buying and
selling records. It's obvious at this point that not everything from the
vinyl era will be released on CDs. For example Frank Zappa had a record
label for awhile and none of that stuff has ever been released on CDs. The
only way I could get my favorite Dave Von Ronk tune was to rip it from
I certainly looked at DadiOH's info when I was getting back into
vinyl. I don't think I ended up agreeing with all of it, but it was helpful
and I don't think there's anything harmful there--it's all pretty standard
stuff. The only reason audiobaby isn't in my kill file is because of the
amusement derived from watching someone self-destruct in such a rapid and
complete manner.
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