Posted by FatKat on 03/20/06 15:15
dennis6449@yahoo.com wrote:
> Morton, You're missing the point. If the person on THE OTHER END can't
> work WinMX, then you don't have a file sharing system. So what is the point?
Can't work WinMX? While there are likely genuine connection issues, I
doubt that there are very many who are affected by them. Mostly you've
got people with perfectly workable set-ups who are too lazy to even
look for potential solutions to their problem.
> Maybe you have your WinMX working just dandy, but if 90 percent of the
> people who try to trade from/with you are down, then you have no
> system. Sharing ceases.
As a longtime sharer, I doubt that sharing is ceasing - rather we've
got a smaller number of more efficient sharers, and still have to wade
through the knuckleheads. That 100 percent of that "90 percent" (which
is likely nowhere near that high) probably comprises people who 1)
don't understand the basic principles of AFS/AEQ, 2) who try to use
Open Nap, yet don't understand how that works; 3) give up at the first
red-out; 4) never try to manually enter queues; 5) are fans of really
crappy music which (in this age of American Idol) is also popular and
therefore more likely to be faked and 6) are leeching (I have to have
files to share files? No freakin way!!!).
> Soon WinMX will be two people patting themselves on the back saying how
> clever they are to be able to use it.
Unlike Limewire which is full of people who couldn't get WinMX to work.
You hear these people moaning on the LimeWire NG - I tried WinMX, boy
that was tough.
> The rest of us have gone to Limewire -- which seems to be completely happening, with
> no glitches and lots of files.
....most of them being trojans and other malware.
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