Posted by Biz on 11/02/05 22:50
"Nelly" <nellyblue@gmail.com> wrote in message
> GMAN wrote:
> >
> > I get so sick of seeing people who get on food stamps just cause they
can, and
> > then have a 60" bigscreen in their double wide trailer.
> >
> >
> I agree. But then there are the real people who actually work hard,
> budget, scrimp and save, just to buy a nice tv. What happens to those
> people when everything changes over and they're stuck with what they
> have because of the outrageous prices of hdtv sets. I'm not talking
> 60". What's the average price? $1000? That's a hell of a lot of money
> for some people. Especially if you're on a tight budget.
As has been said b4, and will probably need to be said a million times more
b4 everyone gets it, there will be set top boxes that will take the incoming
HD signal and downres it for older analog NTSC sets....so noone will HAVE to
buy a new $1000 set...and that is STILL several years off so it wont be
$1000 anymore by then...
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