Posted by Black Locust on 03/24/06 01:08
In article <1143133706.645452.252420@z34g2000cwc.googlegroups.com>,
"wunnuy" <wunnuy@netzero.net> wrote:
> I had BB for one month and it made Netflix look like the greatest
> service in history of Earth. The instore coupons are a great perk, but
> the service was absolutely awfu. There was literally one whole week
> where I had no movies out. I had seven movies in my queue all
> "available now" and when I asked them why nothing was being sent they
> said "you should have at least 30 movies in your queue to ensure
> there's always soemthing available." I told him "what does it matter if
> I have 3 or 300, if they ALL say available now, shoudln't have I have
> three movies in the mail then" to which he paused and said "you're
> right."
I looked into this for you wunnuy and the only reasonable explaination I
was given by BB Online users is this is believe or not, Blockbuster's
way of getting movies out to you as quickly as advertised(in otherwords
1 to 2 business days). Apparently if a movie in your queue is not
available from your nearest distribution warehouse, they'll send the
next movie on your list that is instead. This is why they recommend you
always have at least 30 titles in your queue. Admittedly this is pretty
fucking lame and the movie shouldn't say "available now" when it really
isn't. I suspect that's likely a result of their software, which is
reported to still have a lot of problems. But at least Blockbuster cares
about getting your movies to you quickly, unlike Netflix who will leave
you sitting there for days on end and not even give a shit.
Both services suck shit, but I'd say Blockbuster is still the overall
better value with the free in-store rentals and no throttling(or so they
claim). Right now it isn't really a fair fight though since Blockbuster
has only been in the online business for a couple of years. Netflix on
the other hand has had 7 years to perfect it. If Blockbuster can improve
their software and general warehouse inventory, I think they stand a
good chance at kicking Netflix's ass this year.
On a side note: Online renting is overrated crap IMO. Sure, going to the
video store is no picnic either(crappy selection, long lines, clerks
always bugging you to buy some candy and popcorn when you don't want
any...), but it's still better than dealing with all the hassles and
complications that coming with renting online(throttling, missing discs,
paying a monthly fee to rent movies, etc.) if you ask me. This is why
90% of the renting population still does it the old fashioned brick &
mortar way.
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