Posted by John on 11/03/05 20:53
On Tue, 01 Nov 2005 13:24:39 GMT, A strange species called
spam@uce.gov (Bob) wrote:
>On Mon, 31 Oct 2005 23:16:47 +0000, John <road@runner.com> wrote:
>>For now I am just making do with Nero Vision Express, but I am not
>>liking the amount of time it is taking to author.
>I think you will find that the reason is because Nero is doing the job
>correctly. I use Ulead Movie Factory 4 and it has a setting for quick
>renders. However, using that render screws up the audio sync in almost
>every instance. So I have no choice but to do the Two Pass render and
>that takes a very long time.
>I may try Vision Express - can you tell me if it really does work in
>terms of audio sync and preserving subtitles. MF4 is a POS toy.
I can't tell you about preserving subtitles because I have not copied
a DVD to another one. I am just importing video where I add my own
titles/chapters etc. When you say subtitles do you mean writing on
screen? If so, I don't have a clue about this.
As far as Audio goes, I have not had any sync problems at all.
Nero does take blooming ages to burn a DVD. If I have 1 hour of video
to burn, it takes 1 hour and a bit more. Equal to or more than real
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