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Re: Please explain this: DVDR's less convenient than VCR?

Posted by Gene E. Bloch on 03/30/06 17:58

On 3/29/2006, Newbie posted this:
> While attempting some Internet research, I came across this review of
> Panasonic DMR-ES10S DVD Recorder at
> "If you must have a DVD recorder, this is it, I did a lot of research
> and it does all you need and works well...however, I still don't think
> they are there when comparing to VCR, I use my VCR to tape shows that I
> can't watch live...I like to be able to tape 8 hrs straight, so I have
> the shows to watch on the weekend when I'm back). No can do with this
> thing, and even the two hours that you can tape, when you are done, you
> actually have to re-format the DVD or erase it all, before you can use
> it again (compare that against, just hitting rewind in my VCR) and I
> see no advatanges over the VCR..."
> is this fair critique or is the writer confused?

He's confused in another way not mentioned so far.

DVD recording can be done at various quality levels (the name usually
used in the user interface for differing levels of compression).

Most DVD recorders can record at high quality (one hour per DVD) or low
quality (six or eight hours per DVD, depending on the recorder) and
several levels in between.

The visual quality goes down as the recording time goes up, so you
might not be happy with the longest times, but lots of people think
that four or six hours per DVD compares OK to VHS.

The other respondents already pointed out that if you get a hard drive
recorder, these limitations don't matter.


Gene E. Bloch (Gino)
(replace the numbers by "at" and "dotcom")



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