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Two-drive parallel CD ripper & encoders? Like Rio Music Manager?

Posted by Doug Warner on 04/01/06 02:40

I've been using Rio Music Manager to rip my CD collection.
Unfortunately, it handlles errors very poorly, so I'm looking for a

One of Rio's best features is it's ability to simultaneously rip and
encode from two drives. For each drive, as you rip CD's, it puts the
WAV files into a queue, and begins encoding both of them together.

I can rip a large number of CD's, building up queue's, which I let run
overnight. It also automatically ejects the CD when done, and starts
ripping the next when I close the drawer.

So far, I've tried Easy CD-DA , but it only does one CD and one song
at a time.

And Audiograbber, which can rip and them batch encode later, but can't
rip (or encode?) two CD's at a time. If I could run two instances of
it, I might be able to do the same, but it won't let me do it..

Any thoughts? or am I going to have to put up with the buggy RMM if I
want high throughput..
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