Posted by Bob on 11/04/05 22:38
On Fri, 4 Nov 2005 20:01:52 -0000, "P Pron"
<paulatspambegone.pron@tiscali.co.uk> wrote:
>|| Save the movies with Shrink, author with Shrink and burn with
>|| Decrypter.
>1. How does 'shrink know the amount of compression the movies require if
>they're being shrunk separately?
You are combining them into one ISO to burn onto one DVD disc. Shrink
will adjust the compression so that the size of the ISO will just fit
a single DVD. You can override the choice if you want but you must
stay within the limit imposed by the DVD disc.
>2. Where's the "Create Menu" button in DVDShrink? OP specified he wanted to
>have a menu to choose between the two titles.
I said that Shrink does not provide a menu. You can navigate by Title.
If you must have a Menu, then Shrink is not for you. Get something
else. But if selecting a Title, which almost every DVD player will let
you do, is satisfactory, then the fact that Shrink does not screw up
the audio sync and preserves the subtitles is what you need to
"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable
one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore
all progress depends on the unreasonable man."
-- George Bernard Shaw
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