Posted by Paul Hyett on 04/03/06 06:00
In rec.video.dvd.tech on Sun, 2 Apr 2006, Brendan R. Wehrung wrote :
>I've been afraid of what SP2 might do to my installed DVD-burning software.
>I can't do anything about DVD X Copy, but I was thinking of unistalling
>I Copy DVD2 and 123 Copy DVD, and reinstalling after the update. What of
>DVD Shrink 3.2, Dycrypter, Fab Decrypter and IMG Burn? Not to mention DVD
>Identfies, Record Now!, CD Identifier, WinOnCD5, NTI CD Maker and EAC.
>SP2 is a once-in a lifetime event, after which nothing is the same or can
>be changed, or so I'm told, and I've been worried into inaction so far.
At last, someone else other than me that finds installing new software
to be very stressful...
Paul 'Charts Fan' Hyett
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