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Re: OT: DISCUSS Ricky Gevais NOT funny...

Posted by Damon on 04/04/06 17:59

Mark A <> wrote in news:44327723.4F78

> Never liked the idea that folks don't 'get' something. It implies
> they're somehow deficient, lacking intelligence or some mystical deeper
> insight into something.

I think the basis of the argument is that nothing is funny because 80% of
people say it is anymore than it isn't funny because 20% of people say it

But then you could argue that actually if say 80% of people laugh at
something then it is in fact if something is funny but doesn't
make you laugh then it doesn't mean it isn't funny. Much like a "hot"
curry doesn't become "not hot" just because you personally can handle it
and it doesn't burn your mouth.




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