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Re: How long till DVD is dead?

Posted by WinField on 11/05/05 15:07

When I go to the next message in a thread, my sole interest is what THAT
poster has answered - not rereading the same paragraphs over and over.

Each poster has the right to edit as he sees fit. It's a judgment call.
I will not tolerate some Taliban Mullah (Bob & Nunya) telling me how
to post.

Bob wrote:
> On Sat, 05 Nov 2005 09:39:20 GMT, NunYa Bidness
> <> wrote:
>>Somebody needs to start walking up to them, and breaking their cues.
> Shoving the cue up their ass and then breaking it would get their
> attention.

What an ridiculous analogy! Editing text messages and sitting on pool
tables, eh? No wonder you two bimbos are having a hissy fit.

May I suggest the Netscape newsgroups if you want to hang-out with folks
who still insist on bottom-posting. And to top it off, some are
elitists in that newsgroup who sniff the air importantly as they carry
on the tradition started by the hemmoroidal control-freaks (sys-admins)
from the mainframe days of computing.

Now get your wide-screen, flatulent asses out of here if you can't
handle modern discourse. Otherwise, keep your pieholes shut on this
topic please. Enough already about bottom_posting.

- winf



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