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Copying VHS to DVD

Posted by Dizzy on 04/05/06 16:09

My parents have 100's of VHS tapes from the 80's and 90's. They would
like to put them on DVD before the tapes deteriorate . They purchased a
DVD burner with a VHS built in and started copying tapes. All of the
tapes they personally created copied fine as well as most of the
commercial tapes they had. Unfortunately, they have several that would
not copy due to copy-right protection. I have a pc with a video capture
card in it and would like to copy the remaining tapes to DVD for them.
I can connect a VCR to my pc and capture video from the VCR. However,
the copy-righted ones will not allow me to capture. They, nor I, have
any intentions of doing anything with these copies other than replace
the original tape. The tapes themselves will go in the trash once they
are copied. I know there are people who will argue against this, but
they purchased them originally and would like to have a watchable video
in the future. Plus the added convenience of space saving. Having said
that, what is the easiest way to achieve this? I am a complete NOVICE
when it comes to this. Any and all help will be greatly appreciated.




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