Posted by WinField on 11/05/05 20:16
Bob wrote:
> On Sat, 05 Nov 2005 08:07:20 -0700, WinField <doghouse@operamail.com>
> wrote:
>>I will not tolerate some Taliban Mullah (Bob & Nunya) telling me how
>>to post.
>>Now get your wide-screen, flatulent asses out of here if you can't
>>handle modern discourse. Otherwise, keep your pieholes shut on this
>>topic please. Enough already about bottom_posting.
> You are trying to tell us how to post.
> Hypocrite.
I would deny that I'm trying to tell you HOW to post. Here's part of my
previous message which you may have overlooked ...
I wrote:
>> Each poster has the right to edit as he sees fit. It's a judgment
>> call.
I would hope that you continue to bottom-post Bob - since that's what
seems convenient & efficient for YOU.
I will post in a way that seems convenient & efficient for me. That
includes top-posting, snipping, middle-posting and bottom-posting. I
will be the judge as to what posting technique is "good-samaritan" like
for my fellow readers when I author my messages.
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