Posted by asj on 10/06/58 11:44
Hebee Jeebes wrote:
> People are just going to keep paying. As for HD storage. Show one mention of
> any soon to be released units say make any mention of a hard drive?
"Sharp Corp. said Thursday it will introduce on Dec. 9 a new Blu-ray
disk recorder with a built-in hard drive and conventional DVD unit,
which can record and play back high-definition pictures with the same
resolution seen in digital broadcast images. The BD-HD 100, to be
priced at about 320,000 yen, features a built-in hard drive capable of
recording 160 gigabytes of data, or approximately 19 hours of digital
Hi-Vision broadcasts. The company plans to produce 3,000 units per
month, according to Sharp."
> Just like the nice fun features that were touted for DVD. These on Blue-Ray
> and HD-DVD won't be used. People are not cows they don't like to be milked
> like them either.
There will always be people who appreciate or like new features. Which
is why cellphones now can run apps and games, have cameras, and even
voice recorders and video. You going to say no one buy these?
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