Posted by dechucka on 10/06/39 11:44
"Mosley Jones III" <administrator@info.gov.mars> wrote in message
> "dechucka" <dechucka@vomithotmail.com.au> wrote in message
> news:44357f4b$0$20645$5a62ac22@per-qv1-newsreader-01.iinet.net.au...
>> "Mosley Jones III" <administrator@info.gov.mars> wrote in message
>> news:1144335720.948919@angel.amnet.net.au...
>>> "JAS" <jasmine1@yahoo.com> wrote in message
>>> news:e0pf2j$g1j$1@lust.ihug.co.nz...
>>>> http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0001IXT36/qid=1144012221/sr=1-1/ref=sr_1_1/102-1704560-8544122?s=dvd&v=glance&n=130
>>>> "Uncovered - The Whole Truth about the Iraq War"
>>>> ("...is a chilling expos of the lies upon which the war on Iraq is
>>>> based.
>>> what lies?
>> WMD come to mind, links with 11/9, links with AQ, the Nigerian uranium,
>> WMD ready to use in 20 mins etc
> None of which were lies, some may of been wrong but none of which were
> lies.
> But we know you are lying when you claim that anyone said there were links
> between saddam and 9/11
> We know from the 9/11 commission that there were links between saddam and
> alquada.
> me and you also know they did find chemical weapons in Iraq.
> and the saddam tapes show us that he never destroyed his chemical weapons
> and dismantled his programs as he was supposed to do
Keep on living in your fantasy world even Bush Blair and Bonsai admit that
they didn't tell the truth
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