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Re: Why is DVD fragmenting into smaller files?

Posted by Charlie+ on 04/16/06 09:15

On Sat, 15 Apr 2006 21:56:48 -0400, "Karen C."
<> wrote as underneath my scribble :

Why not do the conversion straight to a single .MPG file rather than
DVD formatted ? MPG which is the same as a .vob (you can just change
the filename ending if you really want) but will allow one massive
file to be played on a software DVD player or even on a DVD (DATA)
disk in a DVD player, you will need NTFS for really big files on your
HD without any breaks - but .mpg files contain both audio and video
in sync if made properly, which seems to be what you need.

>I've not heard of anyone using QuickTime for this setup, and I'm
>not familiar with AVI. I'll check them out. I'd prefer to get
>this thing working, if possible, though, since I know it has
>worked for others in my field. Spending money on another pedal
>and software is something I want to avoid, if at all possible.
>Karen C.



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