Posted by PTravel on 04/17/06 18:14
"Bible John" <johnw_94020@yahoo.com> wrote in message
>I read an article somewhere that said that Sony wanted to get rid of its
>mini DV cameras and replace them with DVD. I believe Sony wants to get rid
>of all their tape devices. DVD camcorders may be crammy in 2006, but
>perhaps in 2008 they might be the norm.
> What do you say?
It's not going to happen, at least in the short term. DVD has two problems:
video is of lower quality and it is not readily editable. DVD recorders are
also big and bulk, and DVDs hold only 30% of the data that can be
accomodated on a miniDV tape (20% if the miniDV tape is used in LP mode).
Moreover, Sony has made a signficant committment to miniDV in it's
higher-end consumer and prosumer camcorders. Its HDV offerings are all
miniDV, as are it's prosumer offerings.
> --
> 1 Pet 3:15-But sanctify the Lord God[a] in your hearts, and always be
> ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope
> that is in you, with meekness and fear
> CERM-Church Education Resource Ministries
> Founder and director
> http://johnw.freeshell.org/bible
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