Posted by nappy on 04/27/06 22:11
This cross posted fecal bioculture is an overflow from other newsgroups
completely overcome by this malady. I sincerely hop everyone killfiles this
shit before it overcomes this newsgroup too.
<soundhaspriority@mad.scientist.com> wrote in message
> In some ways, and I hate to say this, but our very own "Psycho Bob" is
> more of an interesting character than even myself. No, I'm not drunk,
> nor did I get into Psyycho Bob's weighty medicine cabinet. It's just
> that I was doing a search on something and came across some of his
> background. No doubt, the guy is, pure and simple, a "maniac". But a
> methodical maniac. For example...
> Did you know that in the early 90's, he sued his university (Drexel)
> after that would not grant him a phd in electrical engineering? Drexel
> looked into the matter and found that no wrongdoing had been done.
> That's not the interesting part. What's interesting about that, is that
> nevertheless, the Psycho won. A female judge agreed that "bad faith and
> ill will" were part of the decision on Drexel's behalf. I find that
> kind of ironic, since Psycho Bob has shown more than enough "bad faith"
> toward me, and just declared today that he wishes me "ill", therefore
> he shows "ill will" toward me. Not that I'm going to take him to the
> Supreme court court over that....
> However, the ruling was a landmark one for the judicial system since it
> went against an American tradition of the courts staying out of the
> decisions of academia. So Drexel appealed and the state Supreme court
> finally had the sense to say "Get lost and stop clogging up the court
> system with your insane arguments!" to Crazy Bob. In the court
> documents, our resident RAO lunatic was described as an "eccentric" man
> ("eccentric" is of course a polite society word for "lunatic"). He
> described himself as a "tenacious" man (which is of course another word
> for "obsessive"), and vowed to take the fight all the way to the
> SUPREME Supreme Court. Psycho Bob's own attorney had this to say about
> that:
> --------------------
> "I will eat my shoe if the Supreme Court hears this case," declared
> Hamburg. "We're not even going to file a response. He (Psycho Bob) is a
> brilliant guy, but his intelligence should be used for the advancement
> of society rather than pursuing self-destructive litigation."
> --------------------
> I find it interesting that his own attorney says this crazy lunatics
> "intelligence should be used for the advancement of society rather than
> pursuing self-destructive litigation.". Because that is another way of
> saying "Get a life, Psycho Bob". Which is basically the same message
> I've been trying to convey to RAO's infamous obsessive lunatic for
> about 2 months now. Unfortunately, he's not hearing it.
> Not heeding advice from his attorney, Robert "Psycho Bob" continued his
> pursuit of "self-destruction" by aiming his impotent weapons at
> slightly smaller targets than the SUPREME COURT OF AMERICA. I'm
> speaking of course, of Brian McCarty. Which he has trolled for 7 years
> now.... Since Brian doesn't post on RAO and since Psycho Bob is
> hopelessly addicted to RAO, he's certainly not going to actually take
> his psycho ass OFF the group to go find and harm McCarty. Best Robert
> can do is post an anti-Bose faq on RAO on occasion. it seems. Which
> isn't even a mosquito bite for old "Bwian".
> So what does our resident psycho troll do now? Well... that's where I
> come in. He decides that I'm "Doctor Richard Graham" of PWB, despite
> being told by Dr. Graham that he does not post here and indeed, the
> London psychiatrist does not have the time to post -anywhere-. Then,
> the self-described "tenacious" Mad Morein made me a target, and his 7
> phds is being put to good use by attacking --each and every single one
> of my posts--- that I make on this newsgroup, day in day out, within
> seconds or minutes of me making them.
> Q. What evil has posessed "Psycho Bob" Morein to keep coming up with
> "enemies" to fight for his entire unproductive adult life? Be they
> Drexel, the Supreme Court, his attorney, Brian McCarty or "Doctor
> Richard Graham"? I say it appears to be a sickly combination of drugs
> and neurosis, but I put it out to the floor.
> Talk amongst yourselves, I'm feeling a little veklempt....
> Here's a few facts on the subject to help you along:
> =================================
> Q. Did Psycho Bob ever make use of his university degrees?
> A. No.
> Q. Did Psycho Bob ever make use of his precious "estimation theory"?
> A. I estimate: No. The theory turned out to be worthless, and the
> patent was rejected.
> Q. Did Psycho Bob ever make use of his electrical engineering studies?
> A. No. Not even as much as Arnold Krueger/Kruger, since at least Arny
> is hawking PC sound cards.... which I suppose is "kinda" related to
> electrical engineering. That plus Arny fries fish for a living and what
> do fryers run on? Yup. "Electricity".
> Q. Did Psycho Bob ever do anything with any of his quote "7 degrees"?
> A. Yes. He used the approximately $30,000 it cost him to acquire the 7
> phds (not to mention the thousands of dollars of attorney's fees in
> order to get the last degree in engineering) to sharpen his "trolling
> skills" on RAO.
> Now don't you guys feel fortunate to have a 7 phd never-was engineer
> devoting his life to you and your newsgroup? If I'm half the egomaniac
> that half the group thinks, then imagine how flattered I must feel that
> Crazy Bob is spending his entire waking days and nights trolling me
> within seconds of every post I put up.
> I once reduced Arny to spamming dozens of the exact same post across
> many newsgroups (and got him kicked off his ISP for that), and I
> recently reduced Crazy Bob Morein to dribbling out the very same
> spamming gibberish over and over and over again (ie: "Well said, Doctor
> Richard Graham"). But despite the similarities in the way the two
> think, even Arny was never as obsessive as Psycho Bob. They're both
> neurotic, but I believe the major difference is:
> "Crazy Bob" is beyond therapy.
> Source:
> http://media.www.centralfloridafuture.com/media/storage/paper174/news/2003/01/09/News/Doctoral.Student.Takes.Intellectual.Property.Case.To.Supreme.Court-343580.shtml?sourcedomain=www.centralfloridafuture.com&MIIHost=media.collegepublisher.com
> (Do a Google WEB search for the phrase "ill will", or the words "evil",
> "sick", "asshole", "madman", "obsessive", "crazy", and the name "Robert
> Morein". Guess who's going to come up? Yup. Our very own "Psycho Bob",
> one of Usenet's most infamous obsessive trolls).
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