Posted by nappy on 04/28/06 22:17
"John" <> wrote in message
> nappy wrote:
>> "John" <> wrote in message
>>> You seem to think you can respond to trolls but no one else is
>>> allowed to. One more time. Can you say FOOL?
>> poor thing.. I killfiled soundhaspriority. But I haven't killfiled
>> 'John' . Critical thinking John.. Don't get your panties so bunched
>> up that you can't think straight. There is no point to your posts.
> Look you fool. The OP crossposted to many groups. You cut those so now all
> your shit is posted here alone.
yes.. you may not have understood the post. Those other groupd he
crossposted to are the ones which have been taken over by him and a few of
his enemies. They were once good groups for info but now they're not.
Because of him etc.. My post merely pointed that out and it was kept here
for a reason.
> I didn't think you could answer a one on one question. Now is your chance
> to shine buttboy but I am guessing you will continue with your lame
> attempt to satisfy your ignorant ego.
You've completely misunderstood the post and now you are tailspinning. Going
down in a blur of profanity. It's actually entertaining . Otherwise I would
never have responded to your first worthless post.
now.. what is your point? No one is stopping you from responding to
soundhaspriority. Go for it. You're wasting your time trying to insult me.
Stop twitching. Get hold of yourself.
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