Posted by Roy L. Fuchs on 05/03/06 04:37
On Tue, 02 May 2006 22:26:45 GMT, sky <sky@nospam.com> Gave us:
>"Jordan" <lundj@earthlink.net> wrote in
>> Fred Liken wrote:
>>> That's Rice's opinion... Do you agree with everything Rice says?
>>> What's the point of you posting that link?
>> Actually that's probably the only thing Rice and I have ever agreed
>> on. The point is to show you that my opinion is quite a common one.
>> Doing the national anthem in Spanish does no harm and if it makes
>> people feel good, why not?
>> - Jordan
>Perhaps some of us who fought in wars and lost our leg for this country may
>see it differently
Yes, and also the fact is that the fucktards didn't "do the anthem
in spanish" they changed the wording a great deal. So YES, it IS
They should ALL get sent back to ol' Mexico so they can "improve"
the economy and standard of living DOWN THERE.
The folks waiting in line to immigrate here the PROPER way deserve
entry into this country far far more than ANY fucking asshole that
made their very first act entering this country the crime of doing so
Then, the fuckers send money south. Then, the fuckers want our tax
payer funded free benefits handed to them.
NO... they ARE NOT "America" in any way shape or form.
They epitomize all that is wrong with America.
Skipping school (tax payer funded, cheap tuition public schools,
BTW), boycotting purchases and work obligations.
Yes, they ALL need a good spank and a drop off about 600 miles south
of the border they illegally crossed. I don't care how much the
fuckheads have "contributed".
Had we hired AMERICAN workers to do those tasks decades ago, our
economy would have soaked it up, and we wouldn't have any IMPACT from
culling the chaff of this country away, and filling it with americans
as we would do now.
We will still soak it up, and the idiots can go to Mexico City and
get their OWN country's ass on the move economically instead of
letting the country rot in the swill of a corrupt government and drug
crazed cartels as it currently is.
ALl you fuckers SHOULD care MORE for what is happening down there,
not what you are about to lose up here. Had you had any brains, you
would have cleaned up Mexico to be a REAL player in the world economy
decades ago, instead of flooding our country with folks that we would
NOT allow in by the normal means due to them not qualifying for entry.
There are thousands waiting in line that DO qualify and ARE doing it
in a legitimate manner.
You all should be leaving on your own accord, and demanding change in
your own homeland.
It's a damned shame that this post could not be seen world wide in
the television news forums. We'd have a bunch of pissed criminals
claiming that they made things so good for us here, when in fact, they
helped to fuck it up. You are all a bunch of uneducated sick fucks if
you don't get your asses back down in your own homeland and fix things
THERE! Mexico COULD be as strong a nation as Canada is. Guess why we
don't see Canadians flooding over the northern border?
That's right, asshole. You all made your bed, now go sleep in it,
and kick the dogs out. It may take a few decades to get on your feet,
but you sure as hell won't fix a damned thing living in the lap of
luxury up here. Get a clue, illegals. You do NOT deserve a damned
thing, and NO, we did not "take" this land from you, so don't even go
there. We bought it, fair and square.
Put THAT in your meth pipes and smoke it, assholes.
And for those of you that are straight, and would claim to have a
modicum of an education... SHAME ON YOU for NOT trying to fix your
own land, and opting for stolen opportunities and luxuries up here.
You are ALL bozos on this bus. No matter how hard you tried to be a
contributor up here, what you actually did is make things worse in
your own homeland.
No arguments will have any validity either. Don't even try to go to
that place. The place you should HAPPILY be going is BACK to your own
would be great nation and make it just that!
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