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Re: what production tools do you use?

Posted by Steve King on 05/05/06 00:41

<> wrote in message
> In message <>, Bernie
> <> writes
>>I'm one of your employees then - I'll starting working my way round
>>tomorrow adding up the machinery for you. I'll start with DigiBeta,
>>and when I've done that, about the week after next, I'll get on to
>>Avids. I'm pretty certain there's only one 2" machine left and that's
>>a AVR2, so that's a bit of counting already done.
> I guess there's what, maybe twenty or thirty of us regulars on this group.
> What's so 'uncool' about asking who works with and/or owns what? Perhaps
> urbane aplomb denotes a superior status? Or perhaps it's the difference
> between corporate employees and independent producers with facilities.
> The next question then is which of us is which?
> --
> John Lubran
> Independent TV, Film & Video Producer (multi-tasking) since 1984
> Owner, Rock 'n' Roll Trucking & Logistics Company 1975 - 1984
> Employee, ITN & ITV companies 1973 - 1975
> Psychedelic explorer and freelance theatre technician 1970 - 1973
> Merchant seaman, yacht handler and dry-cleaner (sic) 1965 - 1970

Don't misunderstand. I really think it is interesting. Our opinions on
various issues somewhat depend on how we work and where we've been.

Steve King

Independent Producer since 1989. I work with independent editing facilities
using Avid but more often FCP lately. I hire freelance crew, mostly the
same people over and over with regular infusion of new blood to keep
everyone on their toes.
Free Lance Voice-Over and on camera actor 1974 to present. I made my entire
living from acting from '74 to '89. Lots of commercials. Lots of
corporate. Some television episodic. A few movies.
Recording Studio Engineer, Manger, and/or Partner from '65 to '75. Jingle
commercials all day. R & R all night.
Disc Jockey/News/Weather/Licensed Engineer on several radio & TV stations
from '57 to '61.
Before that I was learning about girls and beer.



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