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Re: Why do DVD+R recordings go bad?

Posted by NoNoBadDog! on 10/05/48 11:47

"Nomen Nescio" <> wrote in message
> I've got some +R discs that were recorded about a year ago starting to go
> bad. The DVDR that recorded them doesn't even recognize them anymore. A
> separate player machine reads some of them but not others.
> What's going on here? I thought these discs were supposed to last 100
> years. Maybe the plastic substrate will, but the image emulsion doesn't
> seem to hold the data, at least on my discs. Is this an inherent
> defective
> technology? I've never had trouble with CD-R discs but DVD has been a big
> headache and I'm ready to throw in the towel after a lot of money and time
> wasted.

Two reasons;

1. You bought the cheapest discs available.

2. You recorded them at faster than 1x or 2x.

Number 1 speaks for itself. If you want good quality discs with a high
degree of quality control, you have to spend more money.

As for the second, the faster the disc spins, the less time the laser has to
burn pits. Thus the pits are "fainter" compared to a disc burned at 1x or

Moral of the story; buy a name brand disc, and burn it at the slowest speed




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