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Re: Why do DVD+R recordings go bad?

Posted by Gene E. Bloch on 05/15/06 21:50

"Gene E. Bloch" <hamburger@NOT_SPAM.invalid> wrote in

> That does make it more awkward for you. I have mine (currently) set
> to show only threads with at least one unread post; I have no idea
> if OE can do that. It accomplishes the same goal as your method
> without the penalty of losing track. It does make it much easier for
> me, although not doing it wasn't especially painful (for me; it's
> obviously subjective).

I left this out: my newsreaders of current or recent use both provide
commands and icons to skip to the next unread post. That is one reason
why "not doing it wasn't especially painful for me" in the above
paragraph. So the next unread post is 500 or 1000 lines down: one click
and I'm there. When I do that, I always get a kick out of seeing the
the vertical scroll bar thumb (I prefer the word elevator) jump two-
thirds of the way down.


Gene E. Bloch (Gino) ... letters617blochg3251
(replace the numbers by "at" and "dotcom")



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