Posted by Jeff Rife on 05/16/06 03:30
Biz (spamoff@sbcglobal.net) wrote in alt.video.dvd:
> > AVI is a container format for a variety of CODECs, some of which are
> > *better* than DVD quality.
> He may not have worded it correctly, but you will lose quality everytime you
> convert an avi(just about no matter what codec is used) to DVD
> spec....especially if its a DivX/XviD avi downloaded from the internet,
High-bitrate MPEG-4 (DivX/XviD/whatever) converts to MPEG-2 rather
nicely, with pretty much no noticable quality difference (assuming a
decent MPEG-2 compressor). With a lower quality source...well, garbage
in, garbage out.
Jeff Rife | "As we sit here and idly chat, women--female
| human beings--are rolling around in strange
| beds with strange men, and *we* are making money
| from that."
| "Is this a great country, or what?"
| -- "Night Shift"
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