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Re: DVD Verification Speed

Posted by Jeff on 05/21/06 05:17

Voinin <> wrote in

> When I record a DVD I turn verification on. (I got into the habit when
> I used a tape backup drive back in the day.) When the disc is being
> burned it starts out at 8x and finishes at 8x. So it seems that during
> burning it's using CLV mode. However, when the verification process is
> running the speed varies from slow to about 8x at the end. So it's
> apparently using CAV mode. But when I rip a single-layer DVD the
> download speed approaches 16x towards the end of the read. This
> process, too, apparently uses CAV mode.
> My question: Why does the verification process take longer to read than
> it does when burning or when ripping a DVD?
> FWIW I'm using Nero 7, but this phenomenon happens with other software I
> have used to burn discs.

Because when you are verifying you are not just reading the DVD, you are
also reading the same files from the hard drive and spending a bit of time
comparing the two to see if they match. Your computer is apparently not
fast enough to do this at the maximum DVD read speed.



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