Posted by Bill's News on 09/29/30 11:48
scooby wrote:
> Thanks everyone for replying.
> I do have the DVP642, and it does play the .mpg files recorded by
> the
> Hauppauge PVR-150.
> But it takes a rather long time for a .mpg video to load before the
> DVP642 can play it.
Are you writing large, > 2 gB, MPG files to DVD?
I use the H250, it's about 5 years old, and also their USB2 capture
device. Both operate with WinTV2K and it can be set to break captures
on-the-fly into whatever size chunks you'd like - I typically use 1.5
gB because editing out commercials reduces captures by about 1/3.
Following is a VBScript that you can use to set and unset the Registry
entry that Hauppauge uses to control capture splits. Save this into a
file with the extension of .VBS. When you run it (by double clicking
it), it will assume you'd like 1024 mB (1 gB) splits unless you type
another value. If you delete the value, or type zero, the script will
remove the registry entry, returning WinTV2K to its default of no
I've never had a problem with the Philips player handling 1 or 2 gig
files, though I have discarded that player in favor of a Buffalo LT
and subsequently discarded that in favor of direct play from the PC.
Both the Buffalo and direct play obviate the necessity of burning a
disc at all. The PC offers more player flexibility than ANY
stand-alone which I've tried so far and this makes playing captured
SDTV more palatable on an 1080p monitor.
Option Explicit
Dim oScrShell, RegKey, RegItem, NewVal, FiniMsg
Set oScrShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
RegKey = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Hauppauge\hcwSlipWriter\"
On Error Resume Next
RegItem = oScrShell.RegRead(RegKey & "File_Record_Size")
If RegItem="" Then
NewVal=inputbox("Enter a decimal file size", _
"File Size NOT SET",1024)
NewVal=inputbox("Enter a new decimal file size?", _
"Change file size of " & RegItem & "?",RegItem)
End If
If NewVal="" Then
oScrShell.RegDelete RegKey
ElseIf NewVal+0 = RegItem+0 Then
oScrShell.RegWrite RegKey & "File_Record_Size",NewVal,"REG_DWORD"
FiniMsg="Set to " & NewVal
End If
WScript.echo "File_Record_Size: " & FiniMsg
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