Posted by John C. Randolph on 05/29/06 19:18
On 2006-05-29 06:44:50 -0700, Gary Tait <classicsat@yahoo.com> said:
> John C. Randolph <jcr.nospam@nospam.mac.com> wrote in
> news:2006052820004977923%jcrnospam@nospammaccom:
>> On 2006-05-23 14:01:22 -0700, NRen2k5 <nomore@email.com> said:
>>> Apple refuses to support WMA-DRM on the iPod.
>> Help me out here... Why should Apple pay a royalty to Microsoft for
>> their DRM system, when they already have one that does what it's
>> supposed to do?
> So the iPod/iTunes is able to play tracks purchased from online music
> vendors that use PlaysForSure (PFS).
So, Apple should rescue their failing competitors? Sorry, I just
don't see any logic there.
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