Posted by Pat Horridge on 05/30/06 13:03
"Richard Crowley" <richard.7.crowley@intel.com> wrote in message
> "Pat Horridge" wrote ...
>> We have a range of different MiniDV decks here from a range of
>> manufactures to cope with the fact that it's fairly common to have one
>> MiniDV tape that won't play back in a particular deck.
> If you limit your statement to the "long-playing" version of DV,
> I will agree. If you are talking about *all* DV, then I would ask
> you to provide some evidence that would convert your opinion
> to some kind of fact. If we use these forums as a "statistical
> sample" of the universe of DV users, the interchange problems
> appear to be very low. Far lower than for VHS, for example.
> There appear to be less than 1/month cases of people coming
> here (r.v.p, r.v.d) complaining about DV interchange problems.
> So far, 80-90% of them have been people trying to use the long-
> play mode which everyone agrees is quite marginal. The other
> 10-20% appear to have equipment which has gone out of
> alignment (as the OP of this thread.) Video tape equipment has
> been going out of interchange alignment now for 50 years. Unclear
> why DV would be exempt from the same kind of normal wear
> & tear we experience in the real world.
I'd agree that Long play DV is far more problematic the Std DV.
As to the issues with tape path wear and tear it should be made clear that a
DV tape path is far less complicated than say a Betacam or even a VHS path.
Those older formats have compatibility issues with the various heads in
contact with the tape path needing to be precisely aligned and at the
correct relative distances from each other.
With a DV tape path all the heads are on the video drum (or scanner) the
only real alignment is the position of the tape guides and the height of
those guides. Something that only ever needs adjusting on an older format if
the head drum is replaced or there is physical damage caused somehow. A
Betacam can give many thousands of hours of trouble free use with out a tape
path alignment. DV just doesn't last that long. Then again for what you pay
for the mech what do you expect. I still feel manufacturers don't align the
more domestic MiniDV mechs to a tight enough spec causing issues that
wouldn't be there is that wasn't the case.
We have a range of clients all shooting on as wide a range of camcorders as
is possible. When we first started working with DV many years ago
compatibility for online conforms even with DV at STD speed was ok on 80-90%
of jobs.
However the 10-20% that gave problems was always a real pain to resolve as
it meant a quick scrabble to find a deck that was happy with that particular
flavour of DV. All the decks we use for conform have to have RS424 so are
pro decks. We have Panasonic JVC and Sony.
I'd say that is now probably less than half the problem it was so possibly
5-10% of MiniDV Std play can give compatibility issues probably nearer the
5%. But for an online finishing house I consider even 5% a problem.
I don't actually have a problem with VHS compatibility. Again we have pro
decks with TBC built in and they do have a tracking control so not a problem
but we do see far less VHS now mostly guide during offline so quality not an
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