Posted by John on 06/01/06 12:14
NoNoBadDog! wrote:
> "Allen" <allen@nothere.net> wrote in message
> news:zjmfg.1534$bk5.1266@tornado.texas.rr.com...
>> NoNoBadDog! wrote:
>> <snip>
>> Like most dogs, you seem to have only one use for newspapers, and
>> that use isn't reading.
> I read newspapers. The difference is that I have sufficient
> intelligence to understand that Coalition troops are not
> "slaughtering" women and children. I have the intelligence to know
> that in a war, people die. Some of those happen to be innocent
> people. No member of the coalition force gets up in the morning and
> says "today, lets go find some women and children and kill them!".
> In addition, you do realize that the insurgency is using women and
> children as human bombs?
> You do realize that the tactics used by the insurgents (IEDs, car
> bombs, etc) kill many dozens of times more women and children than do
> the coalition forces?
> Again, you have no perspective to comment. Until you have been
> there, until you have seen the conditions under which we must conduct
> our operations, you haven't the right to pass judgment.
> You are just another idiot that thinks you know something.
> You know nothing at all.
> Get a life, loser.
> Bobby
You are the IDIOT. The soldiers should be executed for killing babies but
you think that these murders are fine and to be expected. You also condone
it and think if it happens again then so be it. You are a fool and a traitor
to freedom and justice and America. Guys like you should feel the pain of
the innocent civilians that had their children butchered. You are a very
sick individual.
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