Posted by NoNoBadDog! on 06/02/06 19:13
"Ralf Hutter" <yowsa@mindblown.net> wrote in message
>>One more thing, asshole....
>>You are a clueless cock-sucking leftist whore.
> Gosh Bobby, you've really impressed me with your staggering
> intelligence!
> Tell us more---- say, What is the meaning of life, the universe, and
> everything? I bet you know!
> JT
The meaning is that I don't have to sit back and let idiots claim whatever
they want. Sometimes you just have to call them as you see them. One of
the wonderful things about this country is anyone can post just about
anything, and I can respond the way I see fit. You don't have to agree with
me. debate is wasted on some people...
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