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Re: Iraq Less Violent than Washington, D.C.

Posted by Labrat on 10/05/70 11:49

Bob voiced his/her/it's humble opinion in on Thu 01
Jun 2006 06:41:37a:

> You are a top poster, which means you are an idiot.
>>> Iraq Less Violent than Washington, D.C.

You sir, are an idiot and a Troll to bring this topic to and cross-post
it to other related groups that have nothing to do with politics or the
agressive, war-like stance of the present US administration.

Tip to sane members of these groups.

Don't feed the trolls!

Once they find a source of food,(controvercy), they just keep coming back
for more.

Likely some brain-dead redneck from Texas.


Labrat...... |:^{)



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