Posted by RS on 09/30/36 11:49
NoNoBadDog! wrote:
> You are awfully good at complaining and pointing fingers...
> How would you fix it? What programs would you dreate to pay for evrything
> that every one wants, and no one wants to pay for?
A national priority where it because your patriotic, right wing, God
fearing duty to wean ourselves from foreign oil would allow us to tell
the oil producers to shove it where the sun don't shine, and would cause
the price to tumble, or not, but so what, then it would be China's
problem, not ours.
The private health insurance companines spend approx 25 cents on every
dollar of premium on overhead. This is because their job is to NOT play
claims. By contrast, every right win love to hate program, medicare,
spends 5 cents out every dollar on overhead. But we don't have to kiss
up to medicare. There are a number of States who want to put their own
universal health care plan into effect. Wisconsin is one of those. They
would like to institute a program that would cost approx $1500 per
employee, per year. I compare this to the over $1500 per employee per
MONTH that my company currently pays. The state program could be pretty
darn far off the mark and I would still save a ton.
We're going to need to decide whether our armed forces are armed forces,
or a police forces. The missions and so vastly different that you need
far different approaches in training, equipment, ect. Pick on, just quit
trying to do one job with the wrong force.
A little less bitching and whineing about religion in government would
be a good thing to. One of the founding fathers said. "With one religion
you have tyranny, with two, civil war, but with a thousand, you have peace."
> How would you decide which programs get funded and which programs get cut?
> None of your links are applicable.
> I have never had to choose between medical treatment or food. I have 100%
> medical coverage, and all of my medications are covered, too. They don't
> cost a thing, other than 23 years of my life, being severely wounded twice
> in combat, and my wife and kids neverhaving any stabiltity in their lives.
> The references to Ken Lay and others are not relevant; the extent of human
> greed knows no boundaries; people get away with what they can get away with.
> The fix is simple; a cap on corporate salaries and a reasonable retirement
> package. No single poerson is worth the kind of money some of these types
> are drawing.
> As for Enron and others who lost their pensions...it is sad that they were
> duped, but the warning bells were going off long before the crash. No one
> bothered to investigate...they just went on believing what they were being
> told by Enron execs. they have no one but themselves to blame. Some tried
> to stop the train wreck, but they were fired.
> My wages continue to go up. I have never once in my life had to accept a pay
> cut. I work for a reasonable wage, and I am not so greedy as to demand more.
> I understand the basic tenets of our economy, and I live comfortably. I do
> not desire to have something I can't earn honestly or do not deserve. I
> don't want something for nothing. I do not erxpect to have anything handed
> to me on a silver platter. I do not feel I am owed anyhting other that what
> I have earned.
> -------SNIP----
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