Posted by Derek Janssen on 11/18/05 21:44
Kimba W. Lion wrote:
>>It's funny to think this was all-too-typical of laserdisc fans'
>>predictions for DVD at the time.
> The key point that was missed in that discussion, I think, is that LD was
> never more than a niche format that attracted technology geeks (like me).
> DVD's small size and low price managed to break through to the VHS market,
> which is where the majority of people were. All the tech issues, some of
> which were (and are) valid concerns, didn't matter to people who
> thought recording 3 movies on one tape was a pretty cool thing to do.
> Size and price did matter.
Also, the key issue that has sunk many another new A/V format to a
watery grave: Nobody had to buy new equipment.
Only niche HT geeks went out and paid $600 for the big Sony players--
The first non-LD people to discover the "big deal" about DVD's and
spread the word were computer techies who could play the movies on their
desktop disk-drives, and the gamerz who could play them on their
PlayStations. (Remember those disk labels on kids/anime titles that
said "PlayStation compatible"?)
Hence the lesson that most companies forget when trotting out new
MOST people are cheap, and don't spend money on things they don't know.
Derek Janssen (and okay, who wants to quote the traditional "Third Rock"
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