Posted by so57th on 11/18/05 23:32
SBFan2000 wrote:
> So heres what I'll do with this off topic thread. I'll apologize to those
> time that this thread has wasted! I'm sorry to everyone for letting this
> topic get out of hand, for feeding the troll as it were!! Also, to help end
> this thread, I hope, I won't post any further in this thread. I invite
> Justin to do the same. How bout it justin, lets not feed the troll. And
> finally so75 is going into the ignore list so I'm not tempted to respond,
> again, justin I invite you to do the same.
Congratulations..........You finally got it.
What should have been a 1 day thread with a few comments about selling
DVDs on eBay v.s. Yahoo, turned into a 4 day pissing contest because of
the off-topic responses and silly "spam" lectures from a few
"moderators", I assume with too much time on their hands.
I agree. Give it a rest Justin. I'm done with the petty remarks and
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