Posted by NRen2k5 on 06/09/06 02:20
Eric P. wrote:
> In article <znu-421A12.18323108062006@individual.net>,
> ZnU <znu@fake.invalid> wrote:
>> In article <1149716394.150508.39230@i39g2000cwa.googlegroups.com>,
>> "FatKat" <robynari@juno.com> wrote:
>>> ZnU wrote:
>>>> In article <s4Yeg.15439$Zc7.204783@wagner.videotron.net>,
>>>> NRen2k5 <nomore@email.com> wrote:
>> [snip]
>>>> Of course, what some other companies would like to do is get into
>>>> Apple's existing value networks;
>>> WTF!?!? What value networks? What are you talking about?
>> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Value_network
>> Think iTunes + iPod + accessories + etc.
>>>> to have their own music sales services benefit from the iPod, or
>>>> their own devices benefit from iTunes, so they don't have to start
>>>> from scratch and build an entire integrated solution themselves.
>>> They could just sell CDS/MP3 players that require no software
>>> solutions at all, and can do so without haviong to start with
>>> anything.
>> Apple sells an easy-to-use, simple, well-designed all-in-one solution.
>> If other vendors offered a user experience similar to Apple, and the
>> iPod had 80% market share, you could maybe say it was just a fad. But
>> the truth is, people buy iPods because Apple offers something you
>> *can't* get elsewhere.
> It's probably safe to say (no, I haven't researched this) that other
> vendors are indeed looking into offering such a similar user experience.
> That would be a tall order, though, as Apple swooped on both the
> hw and the sw side of things.
Not only that, but they have the music. Record labels don't license just
anybody to sell their music, and so once they've signed with iTunes it's
very difficult for a smaller company to get permission too.
- NRen2k5
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