Posted by Joshua Zyber on 06/09/06 23:19
"Tarkus" <karnevil9@beer.com> wrote in message
>>> See, even Pioneer has dumped DVD completely to move to Blu-ray ;-)
>>> http://news.portalit.net/fullnews_Pioneer-Dumps-DVDs,-Focuses-On-Blu-ray_1624.html
>> Perhaps if you could actually comprehend what you read, you'd see
>> that
>> all Pioneer has ceased is development of new DVD Recorders in favor
>> of
>> developing Blu-Ray Recorder units. They will still sell DVD
>> Recorders,
>> but OEM'ed from another company. This will not affect Pioneer's DVD
>> Player business, or their releases of DVDs themselves (via their
>> Geneon unit).
> I take it you didn't comprehend the ;-) at the end of his post.
Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot that ";-)" means "I'm a trolling scumbag asshole
here to spread misinformation. Nothing I say has any relevance to the
real world."
I'll try to remember that next time.
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