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Re: idon't do iPod

Posted by NRen2k5 on 06/12/06 11:31

FatKat wrote:
> 60gb sounds like a lot - oh it
> does more than sound, it IS a lot. It's tons of capacity, literally
> more than you can use. 60gb is like 60 movies, or fewer movies and my
> entire music collection. It's literally more capacity than most people
> could want at one time - so why does anybody pay for capacity they're
> not likely to use? Most of the people I know who own iPods also own
> DVD-equipped laptops, so they already HD capacity & playability for
> exra-DVD's burnt as AVI's. This is borne out by the fact that before
> iPod came along, few people on the go with mobile devices like iPods
> actually carried around excess media in the range of 60gb, or even half
> that. A few years back, I went abroad carrying little more than a
> laptop and some AVI-DVD's. The next year, I went on a trip with my new
> MP3-CD player - suffice it to say that despite regular usage, I barely
> scratched the surface of what I had brought along with me. 60gb, 20,
> gb or even 10gb is simply more capacity than anybody would need at once
> - 10gb will cover about 8 hours of sound recorded at high BR or 10
> high-res hours of video. That capacity might make sense for people who
> are going on long trips to remote areas, but cable and Satellite TV has
> narrowed the incidence - most iPod owners are just commuting or going
> on short trips, or aren't leaving home at all - they aren't really
> carrying that much more than they would have had they opted to go the
> MP3-CD route or the DVD-laptop route (which most of them have done
> anyway). Thus all that extra capacity is a) uneccessary & not
> infrequently b) redundant with other hardware they already have.

Just to back up what you're saying with numbers, a 60GB iPod will hold:
*1 month, 1 week, 1 day, 9 hours and 40 minutes* of music.
That breaks down to:
*15620 songs* or *1041 albums*.
(Assuming that the music is encoded at 128kbps and that each song is 4
minutes and each album is 60 minutes.)

Wow. Talk about overkill.

- NRen2k5



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