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Re: Digidesign Training at NAMM

Posted by Gene E. Bloch on 06/14/06 19:16

On 6/14/2006, Bill Farnsworth posted this:


> This is why I filtered the kid's dribble a long time ago.
> (BTW........ I loved the "bandwidth" line.)
> Bill F.

Whatever else might be wrong (more accurately: not to my liking) about
nappy, I am not prepared to classify him as a pathological liar.

I have known a few - even lived with one (college roommate) - and I
don't see it here.

Nappy does have a wicked sense of humor, AFAICT, and doesn't seem to
mind being nasty to people (for reasons I don't perceive or
understand), but that's all I can detect.

Gene E. Bloch (Gino)
(replace the numbers by "at" and "dotcom")



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